Statement of Vice-President Frans Timmermans, Commissioners
Marianne Thyssen, Vĕra Jourová and Corina Creţu on the occasion of
International Roma day, Wednesday 8 April:
"The European Union is founded on the principles of equality before the law and non-discrimination: values enshrined in the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Yet, today, the Roma community, Europe's largest ethnic
minority with around 6 million people living in the European Union, still face
exclusion, inequality and discrimination. Access to jobs, education, housing
and healthcare remains unequal for many; Roma children often cannot benefit
from the same quality of education as other children.
The marginalisation and exclusion of Europe's Roma needs to
be addressed head-on. Change will not happen overnight, but the European
institutions and Member States are committed to fighting discrimination and
improving integration.
Since 2011, the EU has successfully put Roma integration
onto the political agenda across Europe. All Member States have Roma
integration strategies, prioritising areas such as education, employment,
health, housing and the fight against discrimination. The European Commission
is also supporting Member States in their work to implement public policies and
services for Roma inclusion; the new financial framework 2014-2020, for
example, makes it easier to use EU funds for the socio-economic integration of
the Roma population.
We now have to ensure that these plans are put into practice
and produce results on the ground. We will work hand-in-hand with the EU's
Member States to improve the lives of the EU's Roma citizens. We will work hard
to ensure that their fundamental rights are respected and to advance their
integration in Europe."