by David Ignatius The godfather of Russia’s military intervention in Syria is Yevgeny Primakov, a former prime minister and intelligence c...

by David Ignatius The godfather of Russia’s military intervention in Syria is Yevgeny Primakov, a former prime minister and intelligence c...
by Michelle Boorstein Prelates pray before the opening of a morning session of the synod of bishops at the Vatican on Oct. 6. The bishop...
The Economist October 24, 2015 Letters China left out of the TPP In an understatement, you say that the Trans-Pacific Partnership tr...
The past weeks have shown that the challenges currently faced along the Western Balkans migration route will not be solved through national ...
Jean-Claude Juncker bizottsági elnök meghívására tegnap este értekezletet tartottak Brüsszelben a nyugat-balkáni menekültútvonal által érint...
At Greenbuild Euromed in Verona last night, the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) announced the winners of the Europe Leadership in Gr...
Tegnap az Európai Bizottság megállapodott Törökországgal a menekültek támogatását és a migráció kezelését célzó közös cselekvési tervről, a...