Ma tették közzé az idei őszi Standard Eurobarométer eredményeit, melyek rávilágítanak, hogy az európaiak egyre jobbnak értékelik a gazdasági...
COMETS communicates
Határidő: 2016.01.15. Training Course: 23-28 April 2016 | Cardiff/Wales, United Kingdom Training for Trainers on ‘Communicating Meani...
On track - Different youth work approaches for different NEET situations
13-16 April 2016 | Bratislava, Slovak Republic For 50 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Recommended for...
EVS – A Bridge to Employability?!
4-9 February 2016 | Lisbon, Portugal For 25-30 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Recommended for: Youth...
Research: the real life of Global Education practitioners
by Grace Eshiet What is it really like to be a global education practitioner? What influences practitioners’ everyday practice? How does t...
Towards a Financial Transaction Tax? Interview with Philippe Lamberts
European Green Party : In essence, what is the "Financial Transaction Tax" (FTT)? Why is it important? Lamberts : The FTT is a s...
Paris Climate Summit: a new beginning, once words turn into action!
Reinhard Bütikofer and Monica Frassoni , co-chairs of the European Green Party, comment on the outcome of the COP21 UN Summit in Paris. ...
Európai Nyelvi Díj 2016
Az Európai Nyelvi Díj az Európai Bizottság által indított kezdeményezés, amelynek célja, hogy hivatalos elismerésben részesítse az idegen ny...
Commission endorses better law-making deal and appoints REFIT Platform members
On 15 December, the Commission endorsed a new Inter-institutional Agreement (IIA) on Better Law-Making with the European Parliament and Coun...