
On track - Different youth work approaches for different NEET situations

  • 13-16 April 2016 | Bratislava, Slovak Republic

For 50 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Recommended for: Youth workers, EVS mentors/tutors, Former EVS volunteers, Hosting and Sending (former) organisations representatives, expers and National Agencies representants, stakeholders
Working language(s): English
Organizer: NA Slovakia & SALTO Inclusion

A mini, 2,5 days, cross-sectoral conference addressing NEET issues and showcasing good practices, with the emphasize on cooperation between youth work and other sectors (formal education, employment, social & business sector...).
Theme: Young People in a NEET ((Not in Education Employment or Training) situation

Some young people fall out of the boat for different reasons. They are not in education, not in training and don’t have a job either. They have disappeared from the system e.g. school dropouts, unemployed that are thrown from the dole, homeless youngsters, who don’t find their way to services or help, people living in illegal situations, people alienated from society,... (So we are not talking about those who choose to do something else e.g. gap year, voluntary service, world travel).

Conference "On Track" is part of the SALTO Inclusion a longer-term strategic approach to reach these disenfranchised young people who are excluded from the system and see how we can reconnect them to society and improve their opportunities in life.

The SALTO Inclusion research & publication on NEET issues "On track - Different youth work approaches for different NEET situations" will be published in December 2015. The conference "On Track" will serve as a platform for dissemination and exploitation of the results of this study.

General aim: To promote sustainable cooperation between professionals from different sectors in order to create better opportunities for young people in a NEET situation to enable their active involvement in society and integration into the labour market.


  • To disseminate and exploit the results of the SALTO Inclusion study on young people in a NEET situation.
  • To exchange the possible ways to work together and methods to intervene.
  • To get to know different realities and sharing - best practices.
  • To stimulate development of cross-sectorial partnership projects for youth in a NEET situation. 
  • To explore possibilities of the Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme, in addressing the issues that young people in a NEET situation are facing.

Programme elements:

NEET issues

  • On Track – SALTO Inclusion study results & conclusions
  • Terminology & definitions - whom do we talk about 
  • Different realities (EU, national, local..)


  • Sharing good practices & methods to reach out and work with young people in a NEET situation
  • Getting to know local reality 
  • Where & how to find finances for youth projects with young people in a NEET situation (E+ Programme: Youth in Action…)


  • Holistic approach – how to work together, cross sectorial cooperation
  • How different stakeholders can be working together better?
  • Future projects

Profile of participants:

  • 50 professionals with experience working on the issue of vulnerable young people in NEET situations (face-to-face workers as well as managers/decision makers). International experience is not a must.
  • Youth workers ( grassroots – involved in outreach youth work and directly working with young people in a NEET situation).
  • Teachers, school support staff, alternative education staff, vocational programme staff,…
  • Social workers, representatives of social services.
  • Researchers, academics with focus on NEET
  • Local authorities/policy makers responsible for social provision.
  • Employers, apprenticeships programmes, employment agencies, job centres, job clubs, job coaches…

More information

Costs: Hosting costs will be covered by the Slovak NA & SALTO Inclusion. In case your are selected, the sending costs for participants will be reimbursed by the sending NAs. Please check the financial conditions with your sending National Agency.

Application deadline: 10 January 2016
Date of selection: 31 January 2016

Training overview

Note: Hungarian applicants are expected to apply on a Hungarian and on an English application form, too.

Hungarian application form, more information and conditions:
Jelentkezési lap
Project code by the Hungarian NA: 15136

Application form in English

For any questions or more information please contact:
Szőke Zsófia

CSINI - Erasmus+ Ifjúsági Programiroda
IFYPP - Erasmus+ Youth National Agency
1134 Budapest, Tüzér utca 33-35.
Tel: +36 1 237 6763
