
European Greens host speaking tour with Polish KOD movement

Reinhard Bütikofer, European Green Party Co-Chair, Małgorzata Tracz and Marek Kossakowski, Co-Chairs of the Polish Green Party Zieloni are announcing:

“Starting on May 8 the European Green Party is organizing a speaking tour around Europe for three delegates from the Polish KOD movement. They will visit 9 cities in 6 countries. We’re happy to be able to offer first-hand information about recent developments in Poland, about the struggles over the defence of rule of law, civic rights and press freedom and about the democratic perspectives of the KOD movement.

KOD, the Committee for the Defence of Democracy, has evolved as the prime force in the struggle over the future of Polish democracy against forces of authoritarianism and one party rule. Greens have cooperated with KOD since the first days of this movement and we value them for the important work that they do. We believe we owe the public in as many European countries as possible the opportunity of getting authentic information about the struggles in Poland. We also believe that networking between democracy movements from all over Europe will be a decisive factor in our common efforts to promote European democracy.

Detailed information about the tour will appear on the website of the EGP as well as the Austrian, Bulgarian, English, German, Moldova and Scottish Greens”.
