

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations: "The current refugee crisis is a challenge of global dimensions. We have to work hand in hand with our partners and neighbouring countries beyond EU borders which are most affected."

The European Commission supports migration-related actions in enlargement and neighbourhood countries through pre-accession (IPA) and neighbourhood funds (ENI). See below for more details.

The Facility for Refugees in Turkey

Turkey currently hosts more than 2.7 million registered Syrian refugees and the EU is committed to assist Turkey in dealing with this challenge. The Facility for Refugees in Turkey, managing a total of 3 billion EUR for 2016 and 2017, provides for a joint coordination mechanism, designed to ensure that the needs of refugees and host communities in Turkey are addressed in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. The Facility focuses on humanitarian assistance, education, migration management, health, municipal infrastructure, and socio-economic support.

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations: "The current refugee crisis is a challenge of global dimensions. We have to work hand in hand with our partners and neighbouring countries beyond EU borders which are most affected."

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