
Megemlékezés a terrorizmus áldozatairól - Commemoration of the victims of terrorism

Március 11-én immár 11-ik alkalommal emlékezünk meg a 2004-es madridi terrortámadásokról, melyekben 191-en vesztették életüket, és legalább 1800-an sérültek meg. Az Európai Unió március 11-ikét jelölte ki a terrorizmus áldozatai európai emléknapjának, emléket állítva az európai és Európán kívüli áldozatoknak egyaránt. Az emléknap alkalmából Frans Timmermans bizottsági alelnök, Federica Mogherini, a Bizottság alelnöke és az Unió külügyi és biztonságpolitikai főképviselője, Dimitrisz Avramopulosz, a migrációs ügyekért, az uniós belügyekért és az uniós polgárságért felelős biztos, valamint Věra Jourová, a jogérvényesülésért, a fogyasztópolitikáért és a nemek közötti esélyegyenlőségért felelős uniós biztos közös nyilatkozatot adtak ki.

Statement by First Vice-President Timmermans, High Representative /Vice-President Mogherini and Commissioners Avramopoulos and Jourová ahead of European Day of Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism on 11 March 2015

"Two months ago the terrorist attacks in Paris produced a shock wave that reverberated throughout Europe and beyond. Across Europe and the whole world people took to the streets and stood in solidarity. This spirit remains very much alive.
The attacks in Paris, but also in Copenhagen and in Brussels, will remain in our collective memory, along with earlier horrors perpetrated in Madrid, London, as well as Mumbai, Boston, Bamako and many other places.
Today, we remember and pay homage to the people who have lost their lives in terrorist attacks in Europe and across the world. We express our heartfelt sympathy and support to those who still bear the physical and mental scars of such abominable acts. We also recall our commitment to support the victims and their families, to strengthen their rights and defend their interests throughout the EU.

We will continue to act with determination to counter that which threatens our European and our fundamental values. The worst poison in Europe's long history was fear. Fear begets intolerance and has no place on our continent.
A Europe where communities do not feel safe or do not feel they have a future here is unimaginable.We will uphold our ideals of freedom of speech and thought, but also, of tolerance and dialogue. And we all need to make sure that no community feels excluded from our European society.

One of the Commission's major tasks for this year is the development of a new European Agenda for Security. We will defend our security and our unity and we will do so in full respect of fundamental rights. Europe's history has also taught us this: there can be no freedom without security and no security without freedom.
So on this day we say once again: We stand strong and we stand united."

Victims' Day Testimonial Event

11 March marks the eleventh anniversary of the Madrid train bombings that killed 191 and injured at least 1800 people commuting to work. The European Union has devoted 11 March to remembering all victims of terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere in the world.
