
Greens - EU must allow ‘time for reflection’ before Brexit negotiations start

It is critically important to Ireland that both sides get the complex arrangements to facilitate Brexit right

Green Party Leader Eamon Ryan TD said: “It is a huge blow to the European Union that the UK has voted to leave. We have to respect their decision, and manage the consequences for Ireland as best as we can. The Irish Government have a key role to play in the upcoming negotiations.  We must minimise any damage in our own excellent relationship with the UK and ensure that our peace process and our border counties are not now undermined by the introduction of new border controls. "

“The immediate consequences should be very limited so it makes sense for the EU to allow time to reflect on the UK decision, rather than rushing into immediate action. We urge the Taoiseach to call for caution in the European Council. It is essential, for Ireland more than anyone, that Europe and the UK get the complex arrangements required to negotiate a Brexit right. We must ensure that the divide between the UK and Europe does not widen further and that the rest of the Union holds strong."

“Today we remain committed Europeans. It is only by sharing sovereignty that we can tackle the biggest issues facing our society. Yesterday's vote is a challenge for every pro-European to consider how we can restore faith in our Union. We can draw some comfort from the fact that the younger generations in the UK voted overwhelmingly to stay in. We must give that generation hope by persevering with the Europe they voted for: a Europe of progressive and inclusive social values.

“The Green Party will join a conference call of Green leaders from across Europe this afternoon to discuss our common approach to Brexit.”
